Saturday, January 24, 2009

While I Wait

I did get my proof copy and it was so exciting to hold the glossy covered paperback in my hands. It made it more real for me. It was such a thrill to show it off to a few of my good friends and I even left it with some one that I admire greatly. She read it and gave me some really positive feedback. I don't know what I was expecting, but her words of encouragement really blew me away.

My YA novel is now in the hands of the last person who I feel needs to see it and give me their opinion before I submit to a publisher.

While I wait I am doing a few things.

1. I'm jotting down notes and putting together character sketches for the next book in the series.

2. I'm doing research on the right way to put a submission package together.

3. I'm going over some grammar and writing style things that I have learned over the last year and a half.

Today, I concentrated on the adverb. Mainly those -ly words that often sneak into my prose to modify my verbs. Slowly walking could be strolled. Quickly drinking could be gulped, etc.

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